We learned in our last episode that food insecurity will cause huge swathes of climate migration by the end of the century. Regenerative agriculture may be the answer as it improves the health of soils, native ecosystems and crop productivity. But indigenous peoples have long known the answers to many of our agricultural concerns. So how do we integrate ancient and modern farming practices to both sequester carbon and ensure food security all over the world? Could large-scale farms nurture our soil? And what could small-scale farming do to bring justice to compressed, marginalized communities?
This week, Mary, Maeve & Thimali meet Zoraida Calle in Colombia, and Vivien Sansour in Palestine. They explore the ways they are breathing new life into dead land, and bringing hope back to damaged communities.

Vivien Sansour
Founder of the Heirloom Seed Library and Traveling Kitchen.
Bethlehem, Palestine
Vivien Sansour is the founder of the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library and the Traveling Kitchen project. Known locally as the “Seed Queen of Palestine”. Vivien works with farmers worldwide on issues relating to food and seed sovereignty. She uses image, sketch, film, soil, seeds, and plants to enliven old cultural tales in contemporary presentations and to advocate for the protection of biodiversity as a cultural and political act.
Support Vivien
By following the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library on social media and visiting their website.
Follow Vivien
Facebook: El Beir, Arts and Seeds & @palestineheirloomseeds
Instagram: @vivien.sansour
Learn more about Vivien
By watching this documentary about the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library.

Zoraida Calle
Ecological Restoration Coordinator at CIPAV in Colombia and coordinator of the Colombia Program for capacity building on ecological restoration at Yale University’s ELTI programme.
Cali, Colombia
Zoraida Calle is a biologist and researcher at CIPAV (Center for Research on Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems) in Colombia, where she coordinates the strategic area on Ecological Restoration. The group led by Zoraida combines applied and participatory research with the execution of projects to restore land affected by landslides, severe erosion or unsustainable practices. Zoraida’s publications explore topics such as the ecology of Andean trees, silvopastoral systems and the links between sustainable agriculture, agroecology and restoration. Currently, Zoraida coordinates the Colombia Program for capacity building on ecological restoration with ELTI (Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative), a program at the Yale School of the Environment.
Support Zoraida
By visiting the CIPAV website and sharing the free books and manuals and interesting things about sustainable cattle, ranching and restoration.
Follow Zoraida on
Facebook: @zoraida.calle.5832
Learn more
By watching this video on Zoraida speaking at the 64th Annual Conference of the Center for Latin American Studies.
Episode Credits
Mothers of Invention is brought to you by Vulcan Productions and Doc Society.
Executive producers: Jody Allen, Ruth Johnston, Matt Milios as well as Jess Search & Beadie Finzi.
For Doc Society:
Series producer: Thimali Kodikara
Development producer and Studio Director: Shanida Scotland
Line producer: Rebecca Lucy Mills
Editor: Sefa Nkyi
Sound designer: Axel Kacoutié
Audio Engineer: Lisa Hack
Social Media Manager: Imriel Morgan for Content Is Queen
Project Coordinator: Aisha Younis
Theme Tune composed by Jamie Perera
Special thanks to our audio recorders:
Power Group based in Bethlehem, Palestine
Emanuel Giraldo Betancur in Cali, Columbi
For Vulcan Productions:
Associate Producers: Andrea Dramer and Susan Grella
Production Manager: Kimberly Nyhous
Senior Director for Strategy, Engagement and Impact: Ted Richane
Impact Producer: Alex Pearson
We are very proudly distributed by PRX.