Colette Pichon-Battle
Founder and executive Director director at the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy (GCCLP)
Louisiana, U.S.A
Colette Pichon Battle is the founder and executive director of the Gulf coast center for law and policy (GCCLP) in South Louisiana USA, where coastal erosion is occurring at one of the fastest rates on the planet. Colette is a self described connector at the intersection of racial justice, climate justice and disaster relief to save lives. She was an Echoing Green Climate fellow in 2015 and in 2019, was named an Obama Fellow for her work with Black and Native communities on the frontline of climate change.
Support Colette
By watching and sharing her Ted Talk ‘Climate Change will displace millions, here’s how we prepare’ and stay up to date with Colette’s and the GCCLP’s news on social media.
Follow Colette:
Twitter: @cpichonbattle
Follow GCCLP
Twitter: @gcclp
Facebook: @GCCLP
Instagram: @gcclp
Learn more
By listening to the NPR/TED radio Hour on our changing relationship with water and listen to Colette’s conversation with Angela Glover Blackwell on Climate Migration.
We search high and low for the most inspiring Mothers mitigating climate change all over the world. This late into the climate crisis, it’s now time for us to embrace adaptation as a solution, as communities reconsider the fight for their ancestral homes.
Island peoples and coastal communities are looking for safe ground to begin new threads of heritage for their children. Given that climate migration is set to be the biggest phenomenon of the century, when 180 million people migrate away from their homes, what internal and cross-border protections will safeguard environmental migrants? And how are those families preserving their cultures and traditions as they move away from their homelands?
We welcome Mary’s friend, Ursula Rakova, executive director of Tulele Peisa on the Carteret Islands, who is helping locals migrate to safe land. And Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy, Colette Pichon-Battle of Louisiana, USA who shares the work being done by local communities in the Bayou.

Ursula Rakova
Founder of Tulele Peisa, and co-founder of Climate Wise Women
Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
Ursula is the Executive Director and founder of Tulele Peisa - a non-profit formed in 2006 by the elders of the Carteret Islands in Melanesia. Tulele Peisa is a local organisation of the Carteret Islanders working on climate change migration and relocation of Carteret Islanders to main Island Bougainville. The Carteret Islanders are being described as among the first island communities in the world to organise a relocation due to climate change. Through her work, Ursula has been helping the local people relocate using a community-based approach and supporting services that enhance local resilience and livelihoods.
Support Ursula
By following and keeping up to date on the Carterets Islanders Response to Climate Change on Facebook.
Follow Ursula
Facebook: @carteretislanders
Learn more about Ursula:
Q&A with Ursula Rakova, Climate Activist for the Carteret Islands. Read more.
Understanding the human side of climate change relocation. Read more.
Episode Credits
Mothers of Invention is brought to you by Vulcan Productions and Doc Society.
Executive producers: Jody Allen, Ruth Johnston, Matt Milios as well as Jess Search & Beadie Finzi.
For Doc Society:
Series producer: Thimali Kodikara
Development producer and Studio Director: Shanida Scotland
Line producer: Rebecca Lucy Mills
Editor: Sefa Nkyi
Sound designer: Axel Kacoutié
Audio Engineer: Lisa Hack
Social Media Manager: Imriel Morgan for Content Is Queen
Project Coordinator: Aisha Younis
Theme Tune composed by Jamie Perera
Special thanks to our audio recorder in Buka Town, Bougainville Aloysius Laukai.
For Vulcan Productions:
Associate Producers: Andrea Dramer and Susan Grella
Production Manager: Kimberly Nyhous
Senior Director for Strategy, Engagement and Impact: Ted Richane
Impact Producer: Alex Pearson
We are very proudly distributed by PRX.