This episode serves up an all-you-can-eat investigation into food and its connection to climate. We meet Mothers of Invention in India, Nigeria and the US who are revolutionising the way we understand, protect, grow, and cook food around the world.
Mary and Maeve learn that cows must not be given their own nation, discuss their good intentions to go vegetarian but also hear that this is an opportunity for the world to scale back from industrial farming for the good of all.
This week’s Mothers of Invention are:
Dr Vandana Shiva
World-renowned author, activist, pioneer, scientific advisor, food sovereignty advocate and seed saver. Eco-feminist. Blew our minds. Learning more about Dr Shiva’s work and agroecology at http://www.navdanya.org/site/
Dr. Katharine Wilkinson
Lead writer of the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming (no big deal). Bestselling author, speaker and strategist, now working to spread the book’s message as Vice President of Communication & Engagement at Project Drawdown, https://www.drawdown.org/
Blessing Ekanem
A Business Development Associate working with Solar SIster in Nigeria, where she works with local women in Akwa Ebom to bring clean energy solutions and the opportunity to mitigate climate change, to the communities most affected. https://www.solarsister.org
Neha Mistra
Co-Founder of Solar Sister, a social enterprise connecting the dots between energy justice, climate justice and women’s rights. The organization is currently supporting women in communities across Nigeria and Tanzania to deliver trusted clean energy access to their doorsteps. https://www.solarsister.org
Follow the series on all social media using @mothersinvent to find out more, support the women in the series and get your hands on bonus material throughout the season.

Dr Vandana Shiva
Scientist, philosopher, author and lifelong activist, Dr Vandana Shiva joins Mary and Maeve to talk about her lifelong advocacy work around food sovereignty and the origins of her Seed Banks.
She trained in Ontario, Canada, where she gained an MA in the philosophy of science and a PhD in quantum physics. She is also an environmental activist, who has specialised in action to preserve biodiversity, particularly crop biodiversity. This has made her an expert in Intellectual Property Rights applied to natural resources. In 1982, she established the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology which in 1991 became Navdyanda, ‘a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living’.
Support Dr Shiva’s movement and work
Learning more about Agroecology at http://www.navdanya.org/site/
Donate to support Dr Shiva’s work http://www.navdanya.org/site/

Katharine Wilkinson
Lead writer of ‘the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming’ (no big deal)
Dr. Katharine Wilkinson is a bestselling author, speaker and strategist, who aims to help humanity live in ways that are better for the earth, all beings, and each other. She was lead writer for the New York Times bestseller Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming — the #1 environmental book of 2017. Katharine is now working to spread the book’s message as Vice President of Communication & Engagement at Project Drawdown, a nonprofit organisation and global coalition of scholars, scientists, entrepreneurs and advocates working to research, communicate, and advance a powerful array of solutions to climate change.
Katharine’s previous book Between God & Green explored how faith-based efforts are emerging to address global warming and was called “a vitally important, even subversive, story” by The Boston Globe. Her interdisciplinary background includes work with major universities, consultancies, and companies, and she speaks at prestigious events across the globe. Despite all this Katharine says she’s happiest up a mountain or on a horse. Help her realise her inspiring mission “to help humanity see possibility and persevere in making it real”.
Support Katharine
Check out Project Drawdown online, where you can get a copy of the bestselling book, and explore and share the solutions to help reverse global warming.
Learn more about Katharine on her website and follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Solar Sister
A brighter world powered by women entrepreneurs: building a women’s grassroots movement
to democratize clean energy

Blessing Ekanem
Working with Solar Sister in Nigeria, where she works with local women to bring clean energy solutions and the opportunity to mitigate climate change, to the communities most affected.
Blessing Ekanem is a Business Development Associate working with Solar SIster in Nigeria, where the organization has launched over 1,000 businesses, reaching 300,000 people with clean energy.
Originally from Akwa Ebom State in southeastern Nigeria, Blessing works across her state and beyond, inspiring other women to get involved. Solar SIster works with local women to bring clean energy solutions, and the opportunity to mitigate climate change, to the communities most affected.

Neha Misra
Co-Founder of Solar Sister, a social enterprise connecting the dots between energy justice, climate justice and women’s rights.
Neha Misra is the Co-Founder & Chief Collaboration Officer of Solar Sister – an award-winning social enterprise connecting the dots between energy justice, climate justice and women’s rights. The organization is currently supporting women in communities across Nigeria and Tanzania to deliver trusted clean energy access to their doorsteps. Solar Sister believes in a world where women and their communities everywhere have access to the sustainable energy they need to create a prosperous life.
Born in Delhi, India and presently living in Washington, DC, USA, Neha is a global champion for improving sustainable energy access through approaches that disrupt women’s historic treatment as victims of darkness to necessary champions of light.
Support Blessing and Neha
invest in Solar Sister entrepreneurs – the amazing women bringing affordable clean energy directly to their communities – with a donation at https://www.solarsister.org/donate
Learn more on the Solar Sister website and follow them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram